Congratulations to this year's Board and Nominating Committee winners:
District 1: Jeffrey W. Griffith
District 2: William T. Henley, IV
District 3: Donna Kerr
Nominating Committee
John Craig Brann and Karl G. Shlagel, alternate: Steven H. Walter (District 1)
Paul H. Davis and Corey D. Garrett, alternate: Benjamin Scott Mundie (District 2)
Joel B. Gilman and Jeremy Dean Moyer, alternate: Roy A. Watson, Jr. (District 3)
John M. Adams and Betsy R. Jenkins, alternate: Cornell B. Goldman (District 4)
William E. Chappell, Jr. and Richard B. Kitchen, alternate: James L. Pridgen (District 5)
T. Steele Byrum and Christopher Shawn Parker, alternate: Jared L. Webb (District 6)
The Board of Directors of Colonial Farm Credit is composed of farmer-customers elected from the Association's service territory plus three outside directors and one board appointed customer.

John E. Bickford
Johnny Bickford is a timber producer and consulting forester from Buckingham County, Virginia. Mr. Bickford is an appointed stockholder director. He serves on the Executive, Compensation, Credit Review, Governance, and Legislative Committees.

Benjamin D. Cole
Ben Cole is a forester, timber consultant, and a corn and soybean farmer from Appomattox County, Virginia. He serves on the Governance and Legislative Committees.

R. Bertsch Cox
Bertsch Cox is an appointed director from Chesterfield County, Virginia. He serves on the Audit and Compensation Committees. Mr. Cox is also a member of the AgFirst Plan Sponsor Committee.

Jennifer U. Cuthbertson
Jennifer Cuthbertson is a peanut and grain farmer in Southampton County, Virginia. She is an appointed director and Chair of the Board. She serves on the Audit, Executive, Credit Review, Governance, and Compensation Committees.

Clarke E. Fox
Clarke Fox is a peanut, cotton, grain, watermelon and timber farmer from Southampton County, Virginia. Mr. Fox is a Representative on the AgFirst District Advisory and Nominating Committees. He serves on the Audit, Compensation, and Legislative Committees.

Craig H. Giese
Craig Giese is a Certified Public Accountant and a corn, soybeans, rye, and timber farmer from Lancaster County, Virginia. He serves on the Audit and Governance Committees.

Henry Goodrich
Henry Goodrich is a corn, soybean, peanut, wheat, and timber farmer from Surry County, Virginia. He is the manager of Goodrich Farms, LLC and managing member of Ben-Gar Farms, LLC. He serves on the Governance Committee.

Jeffrey W. Griffith
Jeff Griffith is a grain and vegetable farmer from Anne Arundel County, Maryland. He serves on the Executive, Compensation, Credit Review, and Legislative Committees.

Calvin Haile
Calvin Haile is a corn, soybean, wheat, and timber farmer. He is a 4th generation farmer and the owner and operator of Haile Farm, LLC in Essex County, Virginia. He serves on the Governance Committee.

William T. Henley, IV
Bill Henley is a corn, wheat, soybeans, and barley farmer from King and Queen County, Virginia. He serves on the Executive, Compensation, and Credit Review Committees and as a Director on the Colonial Agricultural Educational Foundation board. Mr. Henley is also an alternate representative on the AgFirst Legislative Advisory Committee.

Hugh S. Jones
Hugh Jones is a dairy farmer from Nottoway County, Virginia. He serves on the Audit, Governance, and Legislative Committees. Mr. Jones also serves as an Alternate Representative on the AgFirst District Advisory Committee.

Donna H. Kerr
Donna Kerr is a dairy farmer from Amelia County, Virginia. Their dairy farm also raises corn, small grain, hay, and forage sorghum. She serves on the Audit and Governance Committees.

Frankie R. Large
Frankie Large is a hog and cattle farmer from Buckingham County, Virginia. He serves as Vice Chair of the Board and on the Compensation, Credit Review, Legislative, Executive, and Governance Committees. He also serves on the AgFirst Legislative Advisory Committee and as an alternate member of the AgFirst Nominating Committee.

Paul W. Rogers, III
Paul Rogers is a cotton, corn, peanuts, soybeans, and timber farmer in the counties of Surry, Southampton, and Sussex, Virginia. He serves on the Audit, Governance, and Legislative Committees and as a Director on the Colonial Agricultural Educational Foundation board.